B2 Practice Recordings MPF 2015

(2 versions—regular and slower tempos)

Celebration Overture
B2-Celebration.mp3 (1257 downloads )


Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
B2-Dance-of-Sugar-Plum-Fairy.mp3 (1148 downloads )


Let It Go
B2-Let-It-Go2.mp3 (1183 downloads )


Out..standing (a trio)
B2-Out__Standing1.mp3 (509 downloads )



The following MP3 files are at slower tempos and are intended to be used for initial learning only.


Celebration Overture (practice)
B2-Celebration-practice.mp3 (1062 downloads )


Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (practice)
B2-Dance-of-Sugar-Plum-pract4.mp3 (1079 downloads )


Let It Go (practice)
B2-Let-It-Go2-practice.mp3 (1097 downloads )


Out..standing (a trio) (practice)
B2_Out_Standing_practice1.mp3 (1068 downloads )