view the January 2014 BAMTA Beat at
BAMTA President’s Message:
Happy New Year! I hope the holidays were fabulous for each and every one of you!
Thanks to all who attended the brunch on December 18. The most important thing to come out of our gathering, for me, was a statement by one of our male members (wanna guess who?) who said something like “can’t we just do this every month instead of those meetings?” Well, while I wouldn’t feel OK about foregoing opportunities for learning, I DO believe we need to also HAVE MORE FUN. So, to start the year off right, please attend a wine and hors d’oeuvres MPF discussion on Friday, Jan. 17 from 7:00 p.m. till whenever at the home of Rebecca Martin, 2525 Otter Court, Lafayette, 80026. The other event of the evening will be learning the cup dance in preparation for our upcoming “Cup Dance Flash Mob” sometime this spring. (Yes, really!)
I ‘m excited to announce that I WILL be attending the MTNA 2014 National Conference in Chicago during Spring Break. If you or anybody you know is looking for a roommate, please let me know!
Lois Abbuhl has graciously agreed to produce the addendum to our BAMTA Yearbook 2013-2014. Please know that we are doing everything we can think of to get ALL your information included and/or corrected, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP. If any part of the information about you was incomplete or incorrect in the BAMTA Yearbook 2013-14 (yellow), email Lois at by Friday, Jan. 17 EVEN IF YOU’VE ALREADY TOLD SOMEONE ONCE. We will then email a copy of the addendum to the membership for you to proof before the final copy is printed. Thanks in advance for your help with this.
Please be sure to take a look at the information Shana Kirk sent to those of you whose students may be preparing college audition videos.
And finally, may 2014 bring you joy, happiness, and success beyond your wildest imaginings! Hope to see you on January 15 AND 17!
Carol Wickham-Revier, NCTM,
BAMTA President